Category: PTV Developer
Suggestion by Text Supports Result Language
In the new version of the PTV Developer Geocoding & Places API V1.15.0 we improved the Suggestion by text endpoint.
With this feature, you can now specify the language for the results from the Suggestions by text endpoint, providing more flexibility and accuracy for your geocoding needs. …
Modify more road attributes
With custom road attributes you have the possibility to modify attributes of roads in the map data to your individual needs. Up to now, reducing the driving speed and even prohibiting roads was possible. In the new version of the PTV Developer Data API V1.14.0 we added further possibilities:
- With the parameter ‘allowed’ you can enable a routing through otherwise restricted roads.
EWS data refresh: 2025
The EWS (“Entfernungswerk Strasse”) mainly consists of precalculated truck distances to quickly access them for different use cases like invoice auditing. Up to now, we provided data versions for the years 2016 to 2024.
In the new version of the PTV Developer EWS Road Distance API V1.5.0 we added the data version 2025 for the new year.…
Introducing the “End at Last Location” feature in PTV Route Optimization OptiFlow API
Efficient route planning is at the heart of logistics, and our team is dedicated to continuously enhancing the PTV Route Optimization OptiFlow API to meet the dynamic needs of our users, such as adapting to fluctuating delivery schedules or managing same-day pickup demands.…
Planned Downtime Saturday, 22nd March 2025
To ensure the continued reliability and performance of our services, a planned maintenance will take place on 22nd March 2025, resulting in a temporary downtime. This downtime is scheduled to last a maximum of 1 hour, occurring between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM CET. -
Compactness for planned routes
Planning routes well is key to making logistics work smoothly and efficiently. Usually, the goal is to save on costs, but sometimes other needs, like grouping stops closer together, are more important. We now offer a feature to set a preference for compact routes at the vehicle level.…