Release of Sequence Optimization API V1.0.0

A new version of the PTV Developer Sequence Optimization API is now available!

You can check the new features in the list below or use the API Changes webpage for more details.

Sequence Optimization API V1.0.0

  • Feature: Methods to start the optimization process and retrieve the optimized route.
  • Feature: Multiple time intervals for depots and customers.
  • Feature: Vehicle with capacities, start location and end location.
  • Feature: Transports with a pickup and delivery location including the service time.
  • Feature: Calculating break and rest periods according to the European driving time regulation (Regulation No 561/2006).
  • Feature: Definition of location position in a trip, either first/last position or by numbers.
  • Feature: Vehicle profiles for EU, USA and Australia available.

You can test PTV Developer for free by registering a MyPTV account and acitvating the product on the website.
By doing this you will gain 100k transaction per month for free to directly start testing. 

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