Organise cross-border deliveries with OptiFlow API

Do you want to organise cross-border deliveries efficiently or keep pallets intact? With task group constraints, you can ensure that tasks in the same category are scheduled one after the other or on the same route.

In the new version of the PTV Route Optimization OptiFlow API V1.2.0 we added task groups as new task constraints. Task groups define a constraint between tasks that belong to a certain category.

Constraints play a crucial role in establishing relationships between various entities like vehicles, orders, tasks, and depots within the optimization process. They define specific rules or limitations that need to be followed when scheduling routes and assigning tasks.

Task constraints restrict how tasks can be structurally planned on a route. Examples of properties that are specific to the task are, the location, available time slots or duration of the task.

Now, with task groups it is possible to define a constraint between tasks that belong to a certain category. There are two types of task group constraints:

CONSECUTIVE: Tasks belonging to the specified category must be scheduled consecutively without interruption by tasks not belonging to the category.
If you are based in Germany and have to deliver orders in France, you may desire not to cross the border more than twice in a route.

SAME_ROUTE: Tasks belonging to the given category should be assigned to the same route.
When boxes of bananas arrive at the depot on a single pallet, you might want to keep the pallet intact by avoiding the distribution of orders among different drivers.

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