Category: PTV Developer
Don’t you understand แบบไทย(thai)?
In the new version of the PTV Developer Geocoding & Places API V1.12.14 we added a new feature for the endpoints searchLocationByText, searchLocationByAddress and searchLocationByPosition.
It’s now also possible to return the latinised version of the default language if the language parameter is set to x-ptv-Latn-DFT.…
Electricity consumption even more accurately
Charging of electric vehicles takes much longer than refueling a petrol or diesel vehicle, at least until now. Therefore, it is very important to accurately consider all the factors affecting the battery. In the new version of the PTV Developer Routing API V1.29.0 we provide two new features for a more detailed modelling of the electricity consumption.…
Find out which vehicle can enter a low emission zone
The newest version of our Map Matching API version 1.4.0 now supports vehicle-based restriction information for low emission zones.
This information helps our customers to decide which vehicle can enter a low emission zone and when.
We added a new show case to see the new vehicle-based low emission zone information.…
Find your ferry by text
To plan specific ferries and rail shuttles (so called combined transports) on a route, you need the corresponding start and destination coordinates. Recently, we offered the possibility to get a list of nearby combined transports around a coordinate (for example a point on a map) as you can see in this blog post.…
New Showcase: Compare the differences between Position Matching and Reverse Geocoding
We are introducing a new showcase that highlights the robust features of the PTV Developer Map Matching API. This demonstration provides a comprehensive look at the differences between map matching and reverse geocoding (Locations by Position), ensuring users can fully leverage the power of our tools.…
Using break and rest more efficiently
As a driver you have to respect several legal regulations concerning the working hours. There are regulations to limit the driving time of heavy vehicles or more general to limit the working time valid for all workers. PTV Developer offers different presets from the EU and US to consider all these regulations.…