Category: PTV Developer
Olympic Games showcase: security perimeters now available!
The Olympic and Paralympic Games 2024 will begin soon! As mentioned in a previous blog post, this major event will significantly affect urban logistics in Paris and its area for more than 2 months.
For safety reasons, the authorities defined security perimeters (categorized by colors) around the competition venues.…
Choose a ferry, but which one?
Ferries and rail shuttles (so called combined transports) are automatically used on a route, if it is advantageous compared to road. Sometimes you want to choose a specific ferry or rail shuttle connection. Therefore you have to specify in the Routing API the corresponding start and destination coordinates and the nearest port or station is used on the route.…
One key to rule them all
For your PTV Developer subscriptions there are different apps in your PTV Account available. With the API Keys app you manage your API keys and with the Usage Monitor app you keep track of your transactions. To integrate this functionality seamless in your system landscape you now have the possibility to do this programmatically.…
New vehicle profiles for TLN (preview)
The properties of a vehicle, such as height or weight, are stored in a profile. Up to now we offer 6 predefined profiles from car to truck for Europe and several more for other continents as a simple entry for all routing-related services.
With the new version of the PTV Developer Data API V1.9.1 we added 4 vehicle profiles for TLN (Transport en Logistiek Nederland) in Europe:
- TLN truck 40t (heavy goods vehicle)
- TLN truck 20t (light goods vehicle)
- TLN truck 11.99t (city distribution vehicle)
- TLN van (delivery van)
Please note that the TLN specific profiles are at the moment in a preview state and changes could be introduced in future.…
Traffic Patterns as Vector Map Overlays
The newest version of Vector Map Overlays provides now traffic pattern data for the vector map. You can just add the layers to your style.json to show it in your vector map.
Our Tutorial shows you step by step how to implement it. Or you just try the Showcase, which will grow when we add additional data over time.…
Time-dependent tolls: choose your date !
Since Matrix Routing API V1.5.0, you can define your own date and time as a reference for toll prices, when calculating time-independent matrices. This can be done by using the new options[tollTime] parameter, instead of considering the default date (Monday of the current week at noon).…