Improvements in solution quality for Route Optimization / New API version 1.7.0

New Feature:

With the new version of the PTV Developer Route Optimization API PTV offers a boost for optimization quality called Optimization Premium.

The higher computational capacity allows for searching in distinct search spaces in a parallel manner. Moreover, Optimization Premium uses diverse exclusive neighborhoods that are only enabled within this mode. These diverse neighborhoods enable the algorithm to explore a larger search space and accordingly find better solutions. 

The bigger the instances are, the more improvement can be gained by using Optimization Premium. Although every use case is unique and improvements cannot be guaranteed, customers with Premium Optimization can expect up to 30% fewer unplanned orders, and/or up to 30% smaller fleet size. In cases where all orders are already planned, Optimization Premium delivers up to 10% cost savings.

Optimization Premium is activated on request base by setting query parameter ‘optimizationPremium’ to true  in operation ‘startOptimization’.

To use the feature Optimization Premium productive the usage must be explicitly included in your individual PTV Developer license agreement. Before implementing Optimization Premium please contact our local sales departments.

Security bugfixes:

To ensure security and minimize the chance for attacks, all requests are restricted in the following way:

  • Capacity of all array objects in locations, vehicles, drivers, transports, and route is limited. These limits are less restrictive as the ones set by subscription. 
  • Requests with more than thirty unreferenced locations are not accepted. Unreferenced locations are locations, which are part of request, but neither used as customer or depot locations for transports nor used as vehicle start or end locations. 

This might lead to rejection of requests that were being accepted in previous API versions.

You can check the new features in the list below or use the API Changes webpage for more details.

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