Speed up or slow down

Distance and driving time are key characteristics for a route. While the distance is relatively static to calculate, many factors influence the driving time: The used vehicle, speed limits, typical traffic situations like rush-hours, live traffic situations like traffic jams, …

We try to provide the most realistic driving time possible, but it is not out of the question that the calculated driving time could differ from reality. In the new version of the PTV Developer Routing API V1.31.0 we offer the possibility to adapt the speed of the vehicle and therefore the driving time of the route with two new parameters.

The first parameter ‘maximumSpeed’ limits the speed of the vehicle for all roads. This can have a direct impact on the route. For example, when reducing the speed motorways are less attractive compared to shorter trunk roads. 

The second parameter ‘speedFactor’ modifies the speed of the vehicle. Maybe you have the feedback from your drivers that routes in a specific region are mostly too optimistic regarding the driving time. Then you can set the speed factor to a value lower than 1 and the driving time will increase. Please note that this does not influence the course of the route.

To get familiar with the new features, simply explore it with the corresponding code sample! Further background information about speeds can be found in this concept.

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