It’s all about time

If a route passes a road, which is prohibited for the given vehicle (e.g. the road is closed for trucks), you get a violation event when using the PTV Developer Routing API . Sometimes these restrictions are only temporary (e.g. no trucks allowed during the night). Then this information would be useful for responding accordingly (e.g. changing the start time of the route).

Since version V1.33.0 of the PTV Developer Routing API we provide together with the violation events the new response parameter ‘timeDomain’. There you get the time validity of the violated restriction in case it is only active at certain times. The used time domain format is part of the GDF (Geographic Data Files) ISO specification.

To get familiar with the GDF time domain format, please read our concept. As usually testing is more fun than reading, also explore our code sample by using the new preset ‘Time domain example’.

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