• New Batch Geocoding Service available

    We are happy to introduce the new Batch Geocoding Service version 1.0.1.

    You now can send several addresses or positions at once. PTV Developer now provides asynchronous batch APIs. The new endpoints by-addresses, by-texts and by-positions provide the same functionality as their corresponding endpoints for single requests.…

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  • Overtime cost calculation: Enhancing route optimization for greater flexibility

    A powerful new feature has been introduced to add flexibility and precision to cost management in route planning: Overtime costs.

    What are overtime costs?

    This enhancement to the Route Optimization OptiFlow API allows the definition of overtime costs, enabling a more accurate reflection of real-world operational expenses.…

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  • Announcing dynamic preparation rules for route optimization

    In the world of logistics and transportation, flexibility and precision are key drivers of operational success. The new Dynamic Preparation Rules feature in the Route Optimization OptiFlow API brings a new level of adaptability to route planning by dynamically adjusting preparation durations based on various properties.

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  • Improved geocoding when using long postcodes

    In the new version of the PTV Developer Geocoding & Places  API V1.13.5 we improved the support of long postal codes.

    In the Netherlands it’s common to enter just the (long) postcode and house number. In most cases an exact match is possible but in some rare cases a result with exact house number and with partly exact postcode was returned.…

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  • Track Matching output now includes time stamp

    In Version 1.7.0 of PTV Developer Map Matching API time stamps are supported in input and output.

    This allows you to use the timestamp from the response for better toll calculation in the case of time-based tolls. You can easily get the “startTime” for each path and use it together with the “routeId” in the PTV Routing API to calculate the toll.…

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  • It’s all about time

    If a route passes a road, which is prohibited for the given vehicle (e.g. the road is closed for trucks), you get a violation event when using the PTV Developer Routing API . Sometimes these restrictions are only temporary (e.g. no trucks allowed during the night).…

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