New vehicle profiles for Africa and Asia

The properties of a vehicle, such as height or weight, are stored in a profile. Up to now we offer predefined profiles for Europe, America and Australia as a simple entry for all routing-related services.

With the new version of the PTV Developer Data API V1.2.0 we added vehicle profiles for the IMEA region. This includes all countries of Africa and Asia including the Middle East but excluding China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea.

Now you can use the new vehicle profiles in all routing-related services:

  • Routing API: IMEA profiles available for the first time and usable in the whole world
  • Matrix Routing API: IMEA profiles available for the first time and usable in the supported countries (see the distance matrix example above) 
  • Route and Sequence Optimization API: IMEA profiles already available since July 2022 and usable in the supported countries

A detailed description of all profiles and supported countries is for example here available.

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