Technically permitted weight for toll calculation

Since the end of the year 2023, two additional vehicle parameters are relevant for toll calculation in several European countries (e.g. Austria and Germany). This follows up the implementation of the 2022 version of the Directive 1999/62/EC (from the European Parliament and the Council on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures).

While it was already possible from Routing API V1.20 on to set a new co2EmissionClass parameter in the requests, Routing API V1.23 now also offers the possibility to define a technically permitted weight (TPMLM : Technically Permissible Maximum Laden Mass- see F1 in official registration documents) via a new totalTechnicallyPermittedWeight vehicle parameter, especially designed for toll calculation.

This new parameter can be used in order to distinguish it, wherever necessary, from the legally total permitted weight (GVWR : Gross Vehicle Weight Rating – see F2 in official registration documents) which is relevant for weight-based road restrictions and that was used until now for both route and toll calculations (using the totalPermittedWeight parameter).

Indeed, even if these 2 weights are frequently the same, they can sometimes differ – as it is often the case for light commercial vehicles. When this happens, the technically permissible weight (normally specified by the manufacturer) is usually higher than the legally total permitted weight.

As an example, from the 1st of July 2024,  the toll obligation in Germany will be extended to trucks with more than 3.5 tons of technically permissible total mass (F1), which means this can also affect some vehicles with a legally permitted weight (F2) slightly below 3.5 tons. For these vehicles it then becomes necessary to differentiate these two values to keep accurate both toll and routing calculations. 

Visit our toll concept page to know more details about the way toll prices are calculated, as well as our vehicle parameter concept page to know more about the different supported weights. 

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