Modify more road attributes

With custom road attributes you have the possibility to modify attributes of roads in the map data to your individual needs. Up to now, reducing the driving speed and even prohibiting roads was possible. In the new version of the PTV Developer Data API  V1.14.0 we added further possibilities:

  • With the parameter ‘allowed’ you can enable a routing through otherwise restricted roads. This is useful when, for example, a special permit for the selected road is available.
  • With the parameters ‘weightLimit’, ‘heightLimit’ and ‘widthLimit’ you can restrict the vehicle dimension limits on the selected roads when, for example, the map data is incorrect.

All details can be found in the corresponding concept. But better than reading is trying! We recommend to play around with the updated showcase for custom road attribute scenarios, which includes all new features. Please note that you need an API key as the scenarios are stored within your PTV Developer subscription of your myPTV account.

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