Category: PTV Developer
Predicting new toll prices for Germany
In Europe commercial vehicles currently produce a third of all CO2 emissions in the transport sector. As an important measure for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transport and for achieving climate protection targets, Germany will be the first country in Europe to introduce a new CO2 differentiation of truck tolls.…
New radius parameter for Places Text Search
In the new version of the PTV Developer Geocoding & Places API V1.8.0 we added a new parameter to the Places by Text endpoint.
Now a radius can be specified for a circular search context and the endpoint /places/by-text delivers results ordered by distance to the center.…
Time-dependent matrices
Travel-time and distance matrices are often calculated on the basis of average speeds. Although this is often good enough for tour optimization, it can happen that the traffic situation between two locations affects the travel-time for the corresponding relation in the matrix.…
New categories for Places Nearby search
With the Geocoding & Places API you can create geolocation-based applications that enables users to forward/reverse geocode addresses with high precision, search and display geographic locations, such as shops and prominent Points of Interest (POIs) in various categories.…
Two shades of toll distance
With the Routing API you can get detailed information about toll costs, sections and systems on your route (see the toll roads on the right). Thereby a toll section represents a part of the route for which toll has to be paid. The length of a section is defined by the toll operator and we provide this information in the response parameter ‘officialDistance’.…
Set the right Biofuel ratio
With the aim of sustainability, the EU intends to increase the share of renewable energies in the transport sector, which also includes a minimum share of biofuels. These fuels are produced solely from biomass. To meet the target, a ratio of biofuels has already been introduced in EU countries. …