• Changing vehicle parameters at waypoints

    When calculating a route with more than 2 waypoints, it often happens that logistic events occur at intermediate stops, which can modify some routing-relevant characteristics of the selected vehicle.

    The most common use-case is obviously unloading or loading some goods at a stop, which implies a change of the weight of the vehicle.…

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  • Emission calculation with alternative drive-trains

    The reduction of pollution and the sustainable increase in efficiency of transport chains to improve air quality are important factors in the logistics today. ISO standards therefore have been introduced to standardize the calculation of emissions that are released.…

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  • Fastest, shortest … and now cheapest routes

    Usually the ‘FAST’ routing mode tends to reduce the driver cost of your calculated transport routes due to shorter driving times, while ‘SHORT’ routing mode rather optimizes fuel consumption costs due to a shorter travel distance.

    Multiple factors should indeed be considered in order to spare money : toll costs, energy costs, vehicle cost per kilometer, or even working-time cost per hour.…

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  • Release of Sequence Optimization API V1.4.0

    A new version of the PTV Developer Sequence Optimization API is now available!

    You can check the new features in the list below or use the API Changes webpage for more details.

    Sequence Optimization API V1.4.0

    • Bugfix: Request with more than thirty unreferenced locations is not accepted.

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  • And another one! The EWS Road Distance API

    Do you need generally accepted distances for tender management or invoice auditing? Then the new EWS Road Distance API could be something for you!

    The EWS (“Entfernungswerk Strasse”) mainly consists of precalculated truck distances and is the de facto standard in the transport sector.…

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  • New vehicle profiles for Africa and Asia

    The properties of a vehicle, such as height or weight, are stored in a profile. Up to now we offer predefined profiles for Europe, America and Australia as a simple entry for all routing-related services.

    With the new version of the PTV Developer Data API V1.2.0 we added vehicle profiles for the IMEA region.…

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